Better news for a change after a year out from one of our old Farm shoots due to a change of tenant we now have permission from the new Farmer to have a look and clear out any scaly tails,we turned up only to find the whole farm and buildings had been transformed with all the rubbish having been removed, setting up in one of the newly cleared barns exited as to the prospect of shooting dozens of scaly tails and also trying out my camcorder fixed to my dedicated Night vision to record any action we waited with baited breath, after about twenty minutes or so two ran through the barn at such speed they were gone before either myself or my mate had chance to get our sights on them but seing they were running into a floor drain made it a bit easier another couple of minutes went by and I was lucky enough to shoot one and get in on the camcorder by the end of the night we had four shot and a couple more seen.
We are now looking forward to next week at the same farm to hopefully shoot some more