Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Shooting Update 30/10/12

Evening All

Another update,this week we returned to our local shoot at Nelson there is always a few scaleys around the barns and duck shed,this week I have brought along my Air Arms TDR (Take Down Rifle) I haven't used it for a while due to it having an air leak but after watching some stripdown videos on Youtube and having advice from members of an airgun forum I decided to tackle the repair myself and possibly save £80 by not taking it to a gun shop. Well after a week of the gun in bits,waiting for new seals to arrive and carrying out some stock renovation its all back together and working well.

We arrived at the barns at around 6.30 pm now in darkness as winter starts to set in,priorities first put the kettle on for a quick cuppa and then off to do a reccy of the barns it wasn't long before the familiar squeaking of the scaleys could be heard so we set about putting down a bit of nice smelly bait in this case tinned cat food, this week we decided to just sit and wait so chairs at hand and my trusty old mono pod we firstly sat outside of the duck shed , well about twenty yards or so away and it wasn't long before them bright beady eyes started to poke out from under the door,but tonight they seemed really uneasy they knew something was wrong and didn't hang about in one spot for very long but after about two hours or so I managed to shoot five scaleys not bad really as to date we have shot hundreds of them, and best of all is my now fully refurbished Air Arms TDR works perfectly .

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Shooting Update 16/10/2012

Just another fruitless update,we decided not to go back to the stables we shoot at last week as another Farmer had said he had seen a couple of scalys near the house so we decided to give it a go.

This time it was back to basics with our kit,off came the night vision dedicated scopes on went the logun lamps we haven't shot this way for probably two years or more, we also took along our 12 v batteries with a red fog light attached,well they worked really well the last time we used them and had helped us account for hundreds of scalys..

When we arrived at the farm the farmer had started work on his new barn so we had to shoot outside,this we hadn`t done for some time shooting in the cold and rain and all that !!!,so we set up just outside a small outbuilding that help probably around forty or so partridge,a quick scan with the lamp and we could see some beady little eyes poking out from a hole in the back wall we had to be careful as them partridge eyes don't half look like scaleys when they are feeding on the ground, well after around two hours we only accounted for one as the others were using the cavities in the wall like a speedway track nothing like last years shooting  we would have probably shot at least ninety between us by now but perhaps it just shows that we are doing a good job,we must be doing something right as we had two further recommendations for other farms on the back of our achievement on this one.

So next week I think we are going back to the stables I will keep you updated

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Shooting Update 11/10/12

Ok after a long break we are now back in business,following my hip replacement 12 weeks ago crutches now in the bin we are rearing to go, on Tuesday evening last we headed off to one of our local shoots as although we have shot hundreds of scaly tails there over the last year we were confident that after our long break there should still be more there, well after arriving at the farm and having a reccy of the stables we were gobsmacked as the farmer had only gone and cleaned the place up including a coat of fresh paint of the stalls and most of all he had cleared all of the rubbish from the corners of the yard.

Well after our reccy and feeling a bit disapointed we settled down looking over the shed that housed a couple of ducks it must have only been a couple of minutes when the little beady eyes were starting to appear under the door it was quite difficult to get a proper shot off as they were very quick but after an hour or so we accounted for 9 rats not the best night we have had but at least we know they are there,hopefully next week we will have better luck.