Saturday, 12 January 2013

Shooting Update 10/1/13

Evening All

Just a short update as there really isn't that much to report at the moment,my shooting partner has gone into hospital for a spine operation so I am flying (shooting) solo for a while,I called to one of my rat permissions locally that numbers have pretty much been on the increase over the last couple of weeks so armed with my NiteSite NS50 Nightvision I had a look around the usual haunts for signs of the scaly tails, well after two hours I only saw one I had a shot and missed, but I saw two rabbits feeding in one of the fields just on the limit of my nightvision which is approximately sixty yards or so so I left them there packed up all of my shooting gear and headed home for an early night .

Hopefully next week I will have a better night as I am heading to another permission