Saturday, 10 December 2011

Update New ratting Job 24/11/2011

Well it was due to a bit of luck,I took my Son out to one of my local rat farms to do a bit of day time target shooting as the ratting there had all been shot out, we bumped into the farmer who said he had seen loads of scaly tails running around the barn where a hole had appeared in the floor,we didn't need to be asked twice we arranged to go there the same night.

Picked my mate up at 6.30 pm arrived at the farm at 6.45 pm,I love these local shoots.After a quick chat with the farmer who showed us where he had seen them we brewed up a quick cuppa,zeroed our scopes and took up positions in the barn,my mate set up approx. 15 yds from the hole that had appeared,I set up alongside him looking in the direction of some water troughs that had a load of droppings all around it,it didn't take long before them little bright eyes were lighting up our Night Vision scopes they were so quick running from the one hole to the other it took a while for them to settle enough for us to start getting some shots off , after three hours we accounted for eleven shot with three bodies retrieved the rest had managed to either get into the hole or run behind the big bales of hay,quick cuppa and home to bed we will try again next week.

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